Quality Control

Our Approach

Each client is allocated a dedicated Account Manager providing a single point of contact for the client. If any unforeseen circumstances arise then a designated Deputy Account Manager will also be available to provide continuity. Clients are also able to get direct access to the Senior Management team.

The task to be translated is recorded and allocated to a dedicated and specified language translator with an agreed timeframe for completion. We match each document to the experience and expertise of each individual translator, taking into account the specific requirements, e.g. localisation, technical, creative or legal. This is an initial key step in our translation process. 

On completion of the initial translation our normal process then flows on to be edited and proof-read by another team member for accuracy, readability and consistency. If the translation task is a document and is being formatted by the client, the client may normally return the document to us for proof-reading at no additional fee. 

We use TransFLOW© software to manage workflow patterns, enabling us to provide accurate data and an effective tool for the management of documents throughout the translation process. Capacity is carefully managed to ensure that the team can always deliver all contract commitments as agreed at the outset of the contract.

Quality management principles are built into all assignments, continuously monitored through our Quality Policy. 

Dedicated Account Management

Cyfatebol has a proven management structure allowing us to successfully manage the translation workflow for multiple clients, enabling us to respond to each client’s demand as regards quality outcomes and timeframes.

An experienced Account Manager will provide a single point of contact to manage and support a smooth running partnership between each individual client and Cyfatebol. The Account Manager will be the lead person for customer service and the management of each contract. They will also be responsible for seeking regular client feedback to ensure total client satisfaction at all times.

Professional Qualified Translation team

Cyfatebol is proficient in translating a comprehensive range of documents and subtitles for both English to Welsh translations and vice-versa in addition to French, German and Spanish. Our professional translation team prepare translations that focus on readability and on adopting an appropriate language register. 

We’re committed to providing a premier quality translation service to all of our clients at all times and being able to respond positively to any unforeseen circumstance.

Our experienced leadership team invest heavily in lean process and work-flow management to continually improve the efficiency and service that we supply.

Security and Cloud hosting

Cyfatebol implement appropriate working procedures ensuring security and confidentiality. All documents are managed, hosted securely and backed up in the Cloud, with access restricted to authorised personnel. This means we can access any data on any device, at any location, at any-time thus allowing us to work at a client premises if required.

Atebol Group is Cyber Essential Certified.